◆ 張民炳認為會有更多內地學生來香港讀書。 視頻截圖



主持︰So why are all the top students still going into medicine, legal field and maybe engineering? How about others? Like I&T-related disciplines, why the top students don't choose those as their major?


嘉賓︰It seems that this is a phenomenon, since we step into the millennium. They want to serve in a bigger capacity to the community interests, especially those from grassroots sectors. Of course, being lawyers and doctors, they are really in a strong position to do so, but I think there might be other reasons, for instance, doctors, lawyers and engineers hold very high-status positions, and mostly with an also quite attractive pay package from their profession, so that might be some kind of appeal in addition to the students' interests.


But I do hope that things will become more open and also more liberal in nature. Students should not be confined to the choice of only a few disciplines, but depends on their own interests and the path they want to pursue for the future career, and also the aspirations to serve the community.


主持︰We see that there's another phenomenon in HK, which is the number of mainland students applying to study in HK have increased significantly, especially for the Baptist University and for the Lingnan University, have increased by 50% and 60% respectively. Is HK or are we ready for this rebound?


嘉賓︰In fact, we are always ready for this rebound. I think we have more mainland students coming to study in HK. From my observation in the university for over 30 years, these are very hardworking, very creative students, and especially, they have a bent for research from an early stage in the school life. This is something that the local students here should learn.


That's why in competing for postgraduate places of studies, mainland students are having quite a good edge. By open and fair competition, they can win because for more advanced studies. Their original and innovative thinking, and also the research spirit and their hard work to go into such endeavors, all are very apparent and important factors.


At the same time, I think universities' leaderships themselves should also make it very clear that, HK aspires to develop its universities into an international stature. So all willing, conscientious and devoted and high-ability students are welcome from the Mainland, from other parts of Asia, and from the West as well.


I think that this is something we must understand, accept and be adapted to, if we want our universities to be moving up, so very smoothly and successfully in the higher ranks of achievements.


◆ 點新聞英文節目《EyE on U》,由立法會議員容海恩及梁熙主持,邀請香港社會各界包括政界、商界及專業人士,分享及討論社會熱話。