近幾年流行「斷捨離」,都說要狠心地把沒有用的東西棄掉,不要囤積。新年去舊迎新大掃除的時候,更加想把沒有用、不想要、不喜歡的物品通通扔掉。把東西拋棄,英文可有很多的動詞,常用的有throw away、dump、abandon、discard、dispose of、get rid of等等。想要特別一點,也許可以用consign to the dustbin / rubbish heap或者chuck / toss overboard。

動詞consign是發放、送出的意思,consign something to把東西發放出去,其實有棄置的意思,想把東西擺脫、送走,consign something to the dustbin / rubbish heap,把東西送到垃圾桶 / 垃圾堆,清楚不過,就是覺得東西沒有用,要棄掉。

She has just consigned many of her old clothes to the rubbish heap. What a waste!


The management thought that his proposal should be consigned to the dustbin.


至於chuck和toss兩個動詞與throw差不多,都是扔掉、拋擲的意思,overboard即是船艙外,chuck / toss something overboard把東西拋到大海中,也就是不要了、棄掉。

People today often buy excessively and chuck still useful things overboard. It's obvious not a good habit.


Many traditional practices were tossed overboard when the new boss took over.


捨棄物品,其實應該小心處理,仔細考慮,以免造成無謂浪費,有時候過於魯莽,會不經意地把有用的東西亦一併扔掉,引致損失。英文有所謂throw the baby out with the bathwater,把嬰兒和洗澡水一起倒掉,就是比喻在拋棄沒有用的物品的同時把寶貴的東西都扔掉了。

這英文用語來自德國諺語,1512年已出現在德國詩人評論家Thomas Murner 的作品中,而且有木刻圖示,圖中婦人在倒掉一盆洗澡水的時候,把盆子中的嬰孩一起倒掉,比喻把不要的、不好的東西丟掉時,重要的、美好的東西也一併丟掉了。Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater是勸喻別人不要只看到事物壞的一面,要考慮好的一面,避免因為部分不想要的而放棄全部,連帶有價值的部分也棄掉。所以不要輕率行事,因小失大。

This is a good school. You don't quit it because you don't like a few of your classmates. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.


Some parts of this healthcare policy maybe outdated. But if we scrap it altogether, we throw the baby out with the bathwater. We need to keep the necessary measures.


She threw the baby out with the bathwater. When she moved house, she dumped most of her things including those with sentimental value. Now she missed them so much.



◆ Lina CHU

