(續11月13日期)韋法連路和麥克華堡在《The Other Guys(喪爆型警)》中經常鬥嘴,這是他們在戲中的一些搞笑對白:


韋法連路︰[points a gun at Terry] Get in the car.(「用槍指着麥克華堡」上車!)

麥克華堡︰Come on, Allen, we both know it's wooden.(你同我都知道那是用木做的。)

韋法連路︰[fires at the lamp] Apartment pop! Now get in the car.(「向天花板上的燈開槍」在家走火!你馬上跟我上車!)

麥克華堡︰You're not gonna shoot me. (你不會開槍射我的吧。)

韋法連路︰Ok, I'll be honest. This is only the second time I've ever fired this.(我老實跟你說,今次是我人生第二次開槍。)

麥克華堡︰So stop pointing it at me!(不要再把那支槍向着我!)


韋法連路︰I'm so tired of you getting angry, and yelling all the time, it's exhausting. I feel like I'm partners with the Hulk.(我真的非常討厭你經常發怒,大聲咆哮,真的非常厭倦!我覺得好像跟變形俠醫做拍檔一樣!)

麥克華堡︰You want to know why I'm so angry all the time? Because the more I try to do right the more I screw things up. (你想知道我為什麼那麼憤怒嗎?就是因為我愈努力去做好件事,就愈會把整件事攪壞!)


麥克華堡︰I'm like a peacock, you got to let me fly! (我就好像一隻孔雀一樣,你要讓我展翅飛翔!)

探長︰Peacocks they do not fly, they do not fly! (孔雀根本不會飛,不會飛的!)

韋法連路︰Just let him have it. (算吧,任由他說吧!)

■岑皓軒 騎呢領隊

(畢業於英國Imperial College London,著有親子育兒書《辣媽潮爸哈哈B》及與馬漪楠合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1&2》等。 )
