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A new chapter in sports cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland.

【譯文】The Mainland and Hong Kong have always been closely related to each other in the sports arena, and since the handover of Hong Kong, the sports cooperation between the two places has even completed the sublimation of qualitative and quantitative changes. From the previous practice of enhancing the performance of Mainland athletes by joining the team to the current all-rounded cooperation in sports training, scientific research, the industrial sector and competitions, etc., the cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong in the sports arena has reached an unprecedented high and deep level, and the Hong Kong athletes have been able to achieve successes at international competitions such as Olympic Games and World Championships in recent years with the support and resources of the Mainland.

With richer resources and support, Hong Kong athletes have achieved excellent results in international competitions such as the Olympic Games and World Championships in recent years. As for the local sports industry and events, they have benefited from the deepening of the development of the Greater Bay Area, which has brought about once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to further integrate them into the overall situation of the country's development. The 15th All China Games, which will be co-hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao next year, will be an important milestone in the development of sports in Hong Kong after the handover, and will mark the 27th birthday of HKSAR. At the same time, it also marks the beginning of a new chapter in the two-way support and cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong in sports.

As early as the 1980s and 1990s, sports-related exchanges between the Mainland and Hong Kong were already very frequent. Many Mainland athletes came to Hong Kong to join the Hong Kong team, which directly raised the standard of the Hong Kong team to a new level, especially in table tennis. LI Ching, who was a national player, came to Hong Kong to form a men's doubles team with KO Lai-chak, and they won a silver medal in the Athens Olympic Games in 2004, which made the name of the "Table Tennis Twins" a household name.

Three years ago, at the Tokyo Olympics, LI Ching helped the Hong Kong team win a bronze medal in the women's team as a coach, making her the first person in Hong Kong history to win an Olympic medal as both an athlete and a coach. LI Ching, who came to Hong Kong in 1999 and has spent 25 summers with the Hong Kong team, has witnessed first-hand the changes in Hong Kong's sports scene since the handover. He said that exchanges and cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong sports have laid a good foundation for the Hong Kong team's rapid improvement in recent years: "There have been a lot more exchanges between athletes from the Mainland and Hong Kong since the handover, and this is not just the case for table tennis, but also for all sports. ...... can say that the young players nowadays are enjoying the dividends of the long-term exchanges between the two places after the handover."

In the early days of the handover, many national players joined the Hong Kong team to directly improve their performance, and then gradually changed to bring in senior coaches from the Mainland to sow seeds for the Hong Kong sports scene, and years of careful cultivation finally came to fruition in recent years, and the medal-winning Hong Kong Cycling and Fencing Teams are precisely among them. After coming to Hong Kong, SHEN Jin-kang, a former national team coach, has nurtured world-class riders such as WONG Kam-po, KWOK Ho-ting and LEE Wai-sze, among whom LEE Wai-sze won bronze medals at the London and Tokyo Olympics respectively; and Edgar CHEUNG Ka-long, the Hong Kong "God of Sword", who won a gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics, was coached by WANG Chang-yung, a famous coach from the Mainland, who had served as the coach of Hong Kong's fencing team for more than 20 years. It was Coach Wang who brought his many years of mainland resources to the Hong Kong team and led these young fencers to have exchanges in places with high fencing standards, such as Guangdong and Jiangsu, thus laying a solid foundation for them.

In recent years, the connection between the Mainland and Hong Kong sports is no longer limited to athletes and coaches, but extends to a full range of cooperation and exchanges in the entire sports industry. The construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has brought the best opportunity for the development of Hong Kong's sports industry since the handover, especially in the combination of sports events and tourism, which has become an important driver of the post-epidemic event economy. This year's Hong Kong Sevens is a sold-out event with an estimated attendance of 120,000, many of whom will be visiting Hong Kong for the first time to experience the Sevens party atmosphere. The huge market and population of the Greater Bay Area provides Hong Kong's sports industry and events with a target audience full of potential.

With the imminent completion of the Kai Tak Sports Park and the availability of professional venues in other cities in the Greater Bay Area, there is a strong case for pooling the sports resources of the Greater Bay Area to apply for the highest level of international sports events, creating a branded event for the Greater Bay Area, giving full play to Hong Kong's role as an international metropolis, and telling the story of Hong Kong after the handover.

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