同一個英文詞可能有不同的解釋,但有時涵義接近,其中一個例子是short。short是形容詞,解作人或物體短小、矮小,含有不合標準,不足的意思;其實short亦解作缺少、缺乏,如short of space是缺乏空間、short of time是時間不夠、short of something是某種東西欠缺了、不達標,可以在前面指明少了的數目。

It's time to pay the mortgage but they are still a few thousand dollars short.


She came second in the competition, four seconds short of victory.


另一個形容詞shy,可以解作害羞、膽小,但亦跟short一樣,可解作缺乏、不足,shy of something也是指某些東西缺少了,少於某一數量。

We don't have enough players at the moment. We are two people shy of a full team.


野餐少件三文治 好似頭腦缺根筋

英文有些有趣的用語運用了short of、shy of,形容有所缺失,頗為幽默,其中之一是a/one sandwich short of a picnic(野餐少了件三文治)。旅行野餐picnic是歐洲普及的休閒活動,帶備不同的食物到郊外遊玩用餐,三文治是少不了的,沒有了一件三文治,野餐就好像出問題、不圓滿、失色了,覺得有點遺憾。

字面上a sandwich short of a picnic說的是野餐時缺少了三文治,實際是間接說某人的腦力有缺損、愚蠢、沒頭沒腦的,做的事很奇怪,令人難以理解。

What a silly mistake! He must be a sandwich short of a picnic.


You are one sandwich short of a picnic if you believe what he says. It is clearly a scam.


這用語以one/a few ____ short of a _____ 出現,有不同的變化,甚有創意,原則上是說出某種事物缺少了某部分,有所不足、不完全,比喻某人的腦袋少了腦筋。除了a/one sandwich short of a picnic,較常見的還有one/several card/cards short of a full deck(一副撲克少了一張/幾張牌),several /a few bricks short of a load(裝貨中少了幾塊磚頭)。美式英語會用shy of 代替 short of。說的都是有所缺欠,是戲言或暗示某人不聰明、不精明,思考能力不夠,甚至做事瘋癲。

這個格式還有創作空間,可以用不同字眼湊成,例如出現過a few gallons shy of a full tank(油缸還差幾加侖才滿)、a tent peg short of a full set(搭帳幕少了一根釘)等等,同樣說人腦袋有問題。

He is simply several cards shy of a full deck. He doesn’t see the problem.


Many people thought that she was a few bricks short of a load when she decided to make movies, but she insisted and finally won the best director award.



◆ Lina CHU [ linachu@gmail.com ]