苦口良藥,藥其實應該都是苦的,不單是古時的草藥,現代的藥丸也是。英文說a bitter pill,即是苦澀的藥丸,後來亦用作比喻難堪的事情、難以接受的事實。說某些事情是a bitter pill to swallow難以嚥下的苦藥,意指這是不得不吞下的苦果或避不開的困境。說某人swallow a bitter pill吞下苦藥,是說這人儘管不喜歡、不願意,也得接受某些殘酷的現實。

Sales have dropped a lot and the shop has to close down. It is a bitter pill for the owner but he has no choice.


The failure to win the champion was a bitter pill for the team to swallow. However, they haven't lost hope and decided to try again next year.


The management has to swallow a bitter bill if their plan falls through.


糖衣毒藥 粉飾真相

由於藥丸有苦味,所以很多時會在藥丸表面加上有甜味的糖衣,令藥丸較容易入口和吞嚥,特別是小朋友,對藥丸就不會太抗拒了。在物件上面加上糖衣,英文是 sugar-coat或簡單的sugar,作動詞用時形容這種行為或過程是sugar-coating。

英文有句用語sugar the pill或 sweeten the pill,美式英語較多時用sugar-coat the pill,字面上是在藥丸上加上糖衣,為苦藥加上甜味,引申意義是令一些不愉快、痛苦的事情變得較為容易接受,使傷痛的程度減低。亦即是在公布壞消息、情況不妙或形勢惡劣的同時,做一些事或說一些話,令事情看起來不那麼糟糕,減輕情緒和心理傷害,使事情較易接受。

The form teacher has to be on sick leave to receive treatment for cancer. She sugared the pill by telling her students that she is fine and will be back very soon.


Offering free rides on certain public holidays is just a means for the transport company to sweeten the pill of increasing fares.


Global economies continue to flag. Governments try to sugar-coat the pill by subsidizing events and festivals, trying to restore people's confidence.



Can you tell us what you actually think, without sugar-coating?


I don't want to sugar-coat the truth. The fact is that our profit is dropping and we have to lay off staff.


Many books and movies portray a sugar-coated reality. The world is not always that beautiful.



◆ Lina CHU [ linachu88@gmail.com ]