◆ 任景信認為香港的金融科技環境非常成熟。視頻截圖


主持︰How are we doing at talent attraction at the local level and on the international level? And how are they doing?


嘉賓︰For us, to become an international innovation and technology center, we can't do without really attracting talents from all over the world and grooming our local talents to establish that. So this is something of utmost importance to us.


HK actually has a lot of advantages, in the sense that we have a very established environment. We have in particular for fintech, for financial technology, for example. We have been an international finance center for so many years, so we have this a very conducive business environment.


We have a lot of talents we may not know, locally developed, locally groomed that are very aware of financial concepts, financial services and so on. Now we living in HK may not realize that, because on a day-to-day basis, we are exposed to these things. Now if you go to other cities, you may not find that many people who are very knowledgeable about stock trading about what exactly different financial products are and so on.


But in HK, these are in a way general knowledge for a lot of people. So this actually is a reflection of the environment advantage that we have, not to mention that we have quite a lot of established companies in HK that are internationally renowned. They will have a lot of best practice experience in working with them, we can then learn or adopt a lot of these experience and probably do it better to extend our service to other parts of the world. All these things are something that we already have, We just have to leverage more and to make the best use of it.


But what fundamental is the key factor in attracting talents is opportunity. People may say that HK is very expensive. There are a lot of things that people may find difficult to settle in HK, difficult to find good schools, difficult to find a good place to live, not spacious enough and so on. This is the same with a lot of metropolitan cities. If you go to New York, if you go to London or California, San Jose, or San Francisco and so on, they have the same issue, they have the same problem. It's very expensive living there too, and it's difficult to find a lot of good living conditions and spacious conditions and so on. But why would people still go there? Because there are opportunities .


I think the key thing is to develop opportunities, to have an environment that people can also have economic contributions. As a result, they can make money. There are more opportunities for them to set up business to expose to or expand to a bigger market. HK itself cannot sustain this.


We have been very successful in past many years, and will continue with the backing of the Central Government's policies. We have the Greater Bay Area, huge market that a lot of people would like to come and develop further. And this is a strong attraction for overseas talents.


We are also in a very advantageous position in Asia. We have very good relations with many Asian cities and countries for a long period of time. So all these are things that can facilitate us in expanding to let these talents base in HK, and develop business all over this region, and in particular GBA and the Mainland market.


But how do we facilitate that? To me, the key is really to encourage the digital economy development with more resources turn some of the R&D into applications, and then encourage adoption. We may start with the local adoption, so that they have a good reference, good branding, to then expand to GBA, other Asia countries and so on.


◆ 點新聞英文節目《EyE on U 容來熙往》,由立法會議員容海恩及梁熙主持,邀請香港社會各界包括政界、商界及專業人士,分享及討論社會熱話。