◆ 陳澤銘(右)認為法治的基本要素就是平等性和司法獨立。 視頻截圖




主持︰When we talk about the competitive advantages of HK, the rule of law is always among the firsts to be mentioned. To maintain HK's long-term prosperity and stability, in addition to having robust legal institutions, prosecution power free from any interference and independent judiciary, we need the public to abide by the law. And in this regard, it is important for the public to recognize the rule of law and its application.


However, a recent study entitled "Survey on public perception towards the rule of law in HK" conducted in Dec, 2019 by a local think tank, suggested that the current society lacks education on the rule of law and urged the need to strengthen education on the rule of law, and recommended that all stakeholders should reflect on the situation and engage in a meaningful dialogue. Simply put, there is a need to strengthen proper education on the rule of law, and to engage stakeholders for HK to achieve greater heights.


In these circumstances, it is our great honor to invite Mr. Chan Chak-Ming, President of the Law Society of HK and Head of the Center for the Rule of Law, to join our program to discuss and promote the meaning and the importance of the rule of law in HK.


It's widely accepted that the rule of law is an essential attribute of a modern society , and it encompasses diverse elements  and fundamental principles . We also take pride in having a very strong rule of law,  which is the cornerstone of the HK's success . Could you kindly expound on the concept of rule of law to our audience? Or to put alternatively, what is the essence of the rule law in HK?


嘉賓︰This is a very good question and very topical . The problem of the concept of the rule of law, there's no universal definition for this term. Different legal academics , some other judges , all have different interpretation . But to me, at least personally, I think  there are a number of important common elements.

這是一個非常好的熱點問題 ,「法治概念」這個詞,並沒有一個普遍的定義,不同的法律學者和法官有不同的解釋,但至少我個人認為,是有一些重要的共同要素的。

Number one is we all said that , equality before law . It doesn't matter your status, your gender, your background, you and the government as well  will be subject to the same piece of legislation, the same set of rules . So equality to me is fundamental, in terms of the concept of the rule of law.


The second most important element is judicial independence. Judges are able to decide cases independently  without any interferences. There are other different attributes or different elements . But to me, these are the two most essential ones . So follow on these two elements, the third element will be , because the legal system is fair, so as citizens and government , we should obey the law. We should follow the established rules and regulations. Even if you are not satisfied with the current rules, regime, system, then you push for a reform through legal processes.



So equality, judicial independence  will lead to obedience of the existing laws and regulations . To me, that's the fundamental of the elements of the rule of law .


◆ 點新聞英文節目《EyE on U 容來熙往》,由立法會議員容海恩及梁熙主持,邀請香港社會各界包括政界、商界及專業人士,分享及討論社會熱話。