◆ 蕭澤頤(右)認為要關心年輕的一代,就應該努力為他們做點什麼,給他們改過自新的機會。視頻截圖


主持︰I'm sure that everyone agrees that young men shall deserve a bright future. In the future, if these young men would like to turn over a new leaf, how do the police or the society can do to help them?


嘉賓︰I do very much agree that we should give a second chance to those who committed the crime during the black turmoil, and he shows remorse. This is something that the whole community needs to do.


When you talk about the rehabilitation of the youth offenders or the reintegration of the youth offenders, I can tell you that there is in fact a joint program conducted by volunteers of the Correctional Services Department and the police. This program in fact is named Walk with Youth Program. Our targets on this program are those people who are now being detained in the correctional services institution, the CSD institutions, detention center, under the age of 30. The ultimate aim for this program is to give them a second chance, talk to them, hoping that we would be able to rebuild a positive life for them.


The content of the Walk with Youth Program is that we organize activities for them, such as before the Mother's Day, we arranged those youngsters now being detained in the detention center to meet their mother, so that the kids can interact with the mother, tell the mother how they think, say sorry to mother etc. We have also arranged the school principals to go inside to the detention center to meet their students. Through these activities, we wish to instill positive values to those now being detained in the detention center.


At the same time, I have personally met a lot of detainees youth offenders inside the detention center. In fact, just a few days ago, I met an 18-year-old boy. He was just discharged from a detention center not too long ago. He was a university student before he was being arrested by us, now he has shown remorse. He told me that he was being exploited during the black turmoil. There was also peer pressure, his friends go out, then he had to follow. He said the atmosphere would motivate you to do something violent.


But now, when he was being detained in the CSD institutions, he has got no access to the social media etc. Then he calmed down and thinks back, he thought he was being exploited. He thinks that who is the best to him, not those anti-government activists, not those they call the brotherhood, but his parents. Now he has come out, he wishes to continue to pursue study.


I think we can help them. If we really care about them, if they really show remorse, then can we give them a second chance? I think we can. You are not just helping the kid himself, you're helping the family as well. If he comes out, nobody cares about him; if he wants to find a job, nobody would give him a job; if he wants to continue to pursue study, no school will allow him, then who will be the most happy one? The anti-government activists.


So again, I wish to emphasize that if we keep on talking about we care our young generation, then action, do something. We shall not disdain them, we shall give them a chance.


◆ 點新聞英文節目《EyE on U 容來熙往》,由立法會議員容海恩及梁熙主持,邀請香港社會各界包括政界、商界及專業人士,分享及討論社會熱話。