◆ 韓流風靡全球,吸引不少人赴韓逐夢。圖為韓國首爾的學校。 資料圖片


為吸引外籍科技及文化人才,韓國(Republic of Korea)法務部(Ministry of Justice)宣布,今年將推出多項申發簽證支援制度,並擴大吸納移民的多元性(diversity),包括為有意在韓國從事演藝活動者,以及「文化留學生」新設「韓流簽證」,一改以往只為補充高勞動力行業(labour intensive industry)人手而設的外勞簽證制度。

韓流風靡全球,吸引許多抱着明星夢,或是希望踏入相關產業的外國人赴韓逐夢,為維持文化內容產業的豐沛人才,韓國當局計劃新設「韓流簽證」,發給對象更為普遍,包括在韓國從事演藝活動者,或是為學習韓國大型經紀公司(brokerage firm)產業系統而來韓留學的「文化留學生」,希望藉此提升韓流在國際舞台上的競爭力(competitiveness)。


韓聯社(Yonhap News Agency)報道,在韓國居住的外籍人士數量從2016年起持續穩定上升,近兩年雖因疫情出現下降趨勢,但根據法務部出入境及外國人政策本部統計,截至2021年,在韓國居留的外籍人士仍有約197.5萬人,佔整體人口3.82%。

截至2021年12月底,韓國國內的外國留學生約有17萬人,其中半數以上攻讀語言以外的學位。韓國當局將在今年上半年實施「優秀人才永居(permanent residence)、歸化(naturalization)快速通道」,讓在韓國取得碩、博士學位的科技人才在留學簽證期滿後仍可安心求職,不必擔心簽證問題。

此外,韓國當局亦計劃放寬對非法居留兒童的限制(restriction),將保障從小在韓國長大、具有「韓國人」意識的兒童保障受教權,目前正就從小在韓國長大、接受小學教育的兒童擬定居留制度。對身為兒童監護人的非法居留者父母,也將放寬居留限制,詳細規定將考量兒童教育年限與社會輿論(public opinion)意見等條件制訂。

"Korean wave visa" promoted by Republic of Korea to attract arts and cultural talents

【譯文】In order to attract overseas technology and cultural talents, Republic of Korea's Ministry of Justice announced recently that several visa application assistance schemes would be launched this year, with the aim to enhance the diversity of immigrants, including setting up "Korean wave visa" for talents who intend to engage in Korean arts and cultural performance, as well as "cultural exchange students", bringing about a change of the previous foreign worker visa system designed mainly to increase manpower for the labour intensive industry.

The Korean wave has been internationally renowned and attracting people who want to be stars or engaging in the relevant industrials to come over to Republic of Korea. To maintain the talent pool of the cultural industry, the authority plans to establish a new "Korean wave visa" that targets talents who engage in performing arts activities in the country, or "cultural exchange students" who come over to study the industrial system of large Korean brokerage firms, hoping to further enhance the competitiveness of the Korean wave on the international stage.

In addition to the Korean wave visa, the Ministry of Justice expects that this year's immigration policy will focus on introducing foreign technical and cultural talents, and strengthening the residential support system for foreigners. The current immigration policy of the country mainly focuses on the jobs that local people are less willing to engage in, and the visa required for the introduction of foreign workers. While starting from this year, the authority will enhance the immigration support services for foreign students who contribute to high-value-added industries.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the number of foreigners living in Republic of Korea has continued to rise steadily since 2016. Although there is a downward trend due to the pandemic over the past two years, the statistics of the Korea Immigration Service of the Ministry of Justice showed that there are still roughly 1.975 million foreigners residing in the country as of 2021, accounting for 3.82% of the total population.

As of the end of December 2021, there are approximately 170,000 foreign students in Korea, of which over half of them are enrolled in degree programmes irrelevant to language studies. The authority plans to launch a fast-track scheme for permanent residence and naturalization of talents in the first half of this year, allowing IT talents who have obtained master and doctorate degrees in the country to hunt for jobs in the local market even after the expiry of their student visas without worrying about visa issues.

Additionally, the authority plans to relax the restrictions on children of illegally residents, and guarantee the right to education for those who have grown up in Republic of Korea and developed a sense of belonging to the country. Accordingly, a new residential system is being formulated for children who have grown up locally and received primary school education. For parents of illegal residents who are guardians of the children, residential restrictions will also be lifted with detailed regulations to be formulated in consideration of the children's years of study and public opinion.◆ 龐嘉儀


1. 「Korean wave」的別稱是什麼?

2. 「韓流」一詞最初用來形容哪個男團所帶到中國的韓國潮流?

3. 韓流始於何時?

4. 韓流主要以什麼為中心展開?

5. 韓國流行音樂通稱為什麼?


1. Hallyu

2. H.O.T.

3. 1990年代

4. 韓國電視劇

5. K-pop(Korean popular music)