上回提到電影《功夫熊貓》有很多值得我們學習的人生課堂,第一個就是沒有人是平凡的!我們只需找出我們的才華(Nobody is ordinary! It's Just how you explore your talents)。

熊貓阿寶或許是最平庸和簡單又沒有什麼特別天賦和恩賜的人(Panda Po is perhaps the most ordinary and simple character with no apparent talents and gifts)。起初的時候,他學習功夫的熱情曾經被師傅狠狠拒絕,又被蓋世五俠嘲弄,令他失去自信(At the beginning, his passion of learning Kung Fu was harshly rejected by Master Shifu. He is mocked at by the Furious Five which shatters his self-confidence)。

不過,到了最後,經過多輪嚴謹、堅韌和殘酷的功夫訓練,他終於也成為一名真正的「龍戰士」(At the end, after several rounds of rigorous, tough and brutal Kung Fu training, he becomes a true "Dragon Warrior")。

成為「龍戰士」的旅程並不容易,他必須克服自己的低自尊感,對抗自己的消極信念,以及發現他的個人魅力或吸引力(The journey to the title isn't an easy one; he has to fight against his low self-esteem and go against his negative belief to discover his awesomeness or attractiveness)。

正如阿寶自己說:「Anybody who has ever unraveled the power of inner-strength and chosen to be special can become the most extraordinary hero, after all, There is no charge for awesomeness - or attractiveness.」(任何曾經揭開自己內在力量並選擇成為特別的人,都可以成為最不平凡的英雄。)

● 馬漪楠 (曾獲行政長官卓越教學獎(英國語文教育學習領域),與丈夫岑皓軒合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1,2&3》,《全家變泰》及《放養孩子 ─ 育出自學力》。)
