同舟共濟是中文常用的成語,意思是大家同在一條船上,風雨中互相扶持。香港經常聽到的流行曲歌詞:「既是同舟……」、「我與你同坐這條船……」等,都是用了這個比喻,大家在同一船上,就是同一命運,同一遭遇。英文亦有相同說法in the same boat(在同一船上)。

以前歐洲人渡河都是多人共用一條小船,所以用in the same boat比喻大家在相同的環境中,而小船行在河上或多或少存在危險性,故此in the same boat多指大家一起經歷一些困難、不如意的情況。

These two ladies are actually in the same boat. They are single mothers.


Don't keep on complaining about your salary cut. Everyone is in the same boat because of the recession.


People all over the world are in fact in the same boat during the present pandemic.


既然一同在船上,各人都希望安然無恙,不去做一些危險動作,例如搖晃或傾側船身,因為會導致翻船,於是rock the boat(搖晃船身)就用作比喻危險動作,引起動盪。1900年代美國著名律師和政治家W.J.Bryan說過︰「The man who rocks the boat ought to be stoned when he gets back on shore.」(搖晃船身的人上岸後應該被扔石頭。)就是用了這比喻指責一些麻煩製造者。以後rock the boat常用來比喻做了一些行為或說了一些說話,足以動搖現況、令人不快或引起問題,破壞原本穩定安樂的環境。

She didn't say anything because she didn't want to rock the boat.


They try to refrain from doing anything that could rock the boat before the negotiations finish.


The president's speech has certainly rocked the boat. Most people start to get worried.


現況好的時候,不希望動盪,不過,有些時候現狀不好,需要改變,這時就不是要搖船,而是要下定決心,義無反顧。中文有成語破釜沉舟,出自項羽鉅鹿之戰。他命令兵士鑿沉船隻,打破釜鑊,以示決心。英文同樣有類似的用語,不是鑿沉船隻,而是burn one's boats(燒了自己的船),據說是源自羅馬時期,軍隊燒毀船隻,切斷退路,以示決一死戰。現在burn one's boats意思是自斷退路,令自己不能回頭,做事不留後路,要回復舊時亦不可能。

The young lady left home, burnt her boats and concentrated on becoming a chess player.


You may not be able to find another job in the same field, so it is best not to burn your boats with the company now.


He still has an involvement in the committee. He is not going to burn his boats behind.


自斷退路burn one's boats很難說是好是壞,製造麻煩rock the boat造成不安就該不是好事,但在同一環境下in the same boat,當然應要同舟共濟。

■ Lina CHU

[ linachu88@gmail.com ]
