

《蟻人》是一部於2015年上映的美國超級英雄電影,改編自漫威的同名漫畫書,由漫威工作室製作,華特迪士尼影業發行(Ant-Man is a 2015 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics of the same name. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)。

本片為漫威電影宇宙系列的第十二部電影(It is the twelfth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU))。由派頓.瑞德執導,以保羅.路德飾演蟻人,麥可.道格拉斯飾演漢克.皮姆。(The film was directed by Peyton Reed, it stars Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant-Man, Michael Douglas as Hank Pym.)

到底這套電影有多成功?《蟻人》於2015年6月29日在洛杉磯首映,並在2015年7月17日於美國正式上映,含2D和IMAX 3D (Ant-Man held its world premiere in Los Angeles on June 29, 2015, and was released in the United States on July 17, 2015, in 2D and IMAX 3D)。

電影發行後,在全球收穫超過5.19億美元的票房,並得到影評人的普遍讚譽 (After the release of the movie, it grossed more than $519 million worldwide, and received praise from critics)。其後,製作人捉住這個潮流,續集《蟻人與黃蜂女》在2018年7月6日發行(A sequel, titled Ant-Man and the Wasp, was released on July 6, 2018)。得到無數《蟻人》粉絲追捧。

故事講述1989年,神盾局科學顧問漢克.皮姆研究出一種能夠讓人體縮小到原子大小的「皮姆粒子技術」。漢克相信這科技是危險的,所以決定辭去職務,發誓在有生之年一定會隱藏它(In 1989, scientist Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. after discovering Pym Paricles. Believing the technology is dangerous, Pym vows to hide it as long as he lives)。

時至今日,漢克已經退休,他疏遠多時的女兒荷普.汎戴茵告訴他,達倫.克羅斯想趕他離開他一手創始的「皮姆科技企業」。他接近完善地研發一種跟皮姆粒子類似的技術,還做好了一件戰鬥服「黃蜂戰甲」。得知此事的漢克開始緊張,認為此技術若將大量生產會引起軒然大波(In the present day, Hank has already retired and his estranged daughter, Hope van Dyne, and former protégé, Darren Cross, have forced him out of his company, Pym Technologies. Cross is close to perfecting a shrinking suit of his own, the Yellowjacket, which horrifies Hank)。


(曾獲行政長官卓越教學獎(英國語文教育學習領域),與丈夫岑皓軒合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1,2&3》,《全家變泰》及《放養孩子 ─ 育出自學力》。)