◆ 鄭國鈞認為警察、法官等人共同築成香港司法體系的底線。 視頻截圖



主持︰When we talk about criminal jurisprudence, we ought to think of the society to which we belong. Law, which is based on human behavior varies from society to society. However, all civilizations lead to a common goal of safeguarding peaceful coexistence of its citizens, so that each one can have a sense of security and be able to live comfortably with dignity. Therefore, it gives rise to one's behavior towards society such as what he ought to do and what he ought not to do within the boundary of law. Regardless when one acts, it has reflection on society. This reflection may create imbalances.

當我們談及刑法學時 ,應該考慮到我們所屬的社會。基於特定人類行為而制定的法律,在不同的社會中存在差異,然而所有的文明都有一個共同目標,即保障公民和平共處,以便每個人都能有安全感,能夠有尊嚴地生活。因此,這就產生了個體對社會的行為規範,比如在法律的範圍內他應該做什麼,和不應該做什麼。 無論個體的行為怎樣,都會對社會產生影響,這種影響可能會造成社會失衡。

When the society is put to an imbalanced position by action or inaction of its citizens, law will be invoked to correct the imbalances. In fact, it deals with the rights, obligations and the enforcement by adjudications of courts. The result of adjudications is justice, and such system of justice can be called criminal jurisprudence.

當社會因公民的作為或不作為而處於失衡的狀態時,就需要援引法律來糾正失衡現象 。事實上,它涉及到權利、義務和法院裁決的執行,而裁決結果是司法公正的體現,這種對司法體系的研究就稱為刑法學。

It is a great honor to invite Dr. Raymond Cheng to join our show, to have a brief discussion on criminal jurisprudence. Dr. Cheng is the CEO of Wyith Institute, as well as the visiting professor at the University of the Assumption (Philippines) .


HK's judiciary has a very high regard internationally, in terms of its integrity, independence and professional skills. But justice is a delicate plant, it has to be nurtured, protected and cared for. On the other hand, criminal justice is a very complex social institution, which regulates potential alleged and actual criminal activities within procedural limits, supposed to protect people from wrongful doings or wrongful convictions. So Dr. Cheng, in your opinion, what is the bottom line of criminal justice?


嘉賓︰Well, I guess every time when we talk about the bottom line, we go for the elements first. which means the police, the courts and the judges, the corrections as well as the prosecution so.


So when you talk about the police, these are the people who actually try to maintain the order and liberty of the city, and these are the people as well who are having a state monopoly of using force, legally using force, so that's why we have to be very clear about these people who are they.


Judges as well. These are the people who interpret the law for us. So if you have all these people interpreting the law in the right way, in the logical way, in the culturally acceptable way. That would be much better, and these would be the bottom line.


◆ 點新聞英文節目《EyE on U》,由立法會議員容海恩及梁熙主持,邀請香港社會各界包括政界、商界及專業人士,分享及討論社會熱話。