● 黃錦星(右二)認為,普及電動車對環保非常重要。 視頻截圖



主持︰I'd like to talk about the electric vehicle as well. Financial subsidies is always a very direct way to encourage people to adopt electric vehicles. In February, the government announced to amend the first registration tax for electric vehicles. Do you think the amended arrangement can improve the adoption of electric vehicles in HK?


嘉賓︰A good question. In order to improve the air quality, particularly the roadside air quality, and also to help decarbonization to meet HK's path is to meet the carbon neutrality before 2050. It's not easy, but that's why we launched HK's first ever road map on the popularization of electric vehicles, in short, EV.


The good news is, HK's number of EV have been increasing. You can see that on this table, among the 10 major economies in the world, HK is among the top most. The good news is that in the past year, one out of every eight newly registered private cars were EV. The latest figure is that, within the first five months of this year, up to almost 20 percent. That means every five new private cars, one is EV. Also, in the very recent two months, one out of four. So, very close to 25% to 30%, and it's the highest amount of cities in Asia.


主持︰Wow, we ranked the third all around the world!


嘉賓︰Yeah, but certainly we welcome more supply, because HK does not manufacture cars. So that's why on one hand, we'd like to welcome more supply of the electric vehicles and other low energy vehicles. At the same time, we have to solve our problem about charging.

沒錯,但當然,我們也歡迎更多的供應,因為香港並不生產汽車,這就是為什麼我們歡迎更多的電動車和其他低能耗車輛的供應,同時我們也要解決充電的問題 。

主持︰I have checked the HK Planning Standards and Guidelines. It says that the HK longer term targets is that, as far as private cars are concerned, 30 percent are EVs or hybrid by 2020. Of course we know that we are going towards our aim. The government has once said it is simply a vision, so now with the formulation of the clean air plan and the new road map, HK will ban fossil fuel power cars from 2035, with a target of zero carbon emission by 2050. Do you think this is feasible? And what will be the challenges?


嘉賓︰There are various challenges. We'd like to have more supply of the new energy vehicles. At the same time, we have to solve the local problem, in particular about charging. So that's why we launched this road map to be very comprehensive, setting target initiatives, covering various aspects in relation to the popularization of EV.


And I would like to highlight that there are two particular milestones. One is to ban the new sales of conventional private cars before 2035, and ultimately that will go towards zero vehicle emissions before 2050. The local charging infrastructure is a very important aspect, but the progress in HK in recent years is pretty encouraging, as we see on the graph. So, we have confidence that with the collaboration by the trade and also the drivers, we can meet our targets. From a very practical point of view, electric vehicle takes a very long time to charge, therefore, having sufficient charging stations all around HK is very important in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles

我想強調有兩個特別的時間點,一個是在2035年之前停止銷售傳統的私人汽車,另一個就是最終在2050年前實現車輛零排放。充電基礎設施也是一個非常重要的方面,但香港近年來的進展相當令人鼓舞,正如我們在圖上看到的。因此我們有信心,在業界和私家車司機的合作下,我們可以實現目標。從實際角度來看,電動汽車需要很長的時間來充電 ,因此足夠的充電站對推廣電動車非常重要。

主持︰Do you have any plans on improving the charging network in HK? And mentioning parking, is the government going to introduce the smart parking innovations to solve the parking problem in HK?


嘉賓︰A very good question. That's why the e-road map covers various aspects about a EV charging. I would like to highlight that in the little buildings about 10 years ago, HK already had the policy to encourage the new developments to integrate EV ready parking space. You can see from the picture that those are newly built buildings. They make the car park 100% EV-ready, and also some of them even install the medium chargers, so as to facilitate both the occupants, and also the people going to the shopping mall, can have the charging much easier.


● 點新聞英文節目《EyE on U 容來熙往》,由立法會議員容海恩及全國港澳研究會委員梁熙主持,邀請香港社會各界包括政界、商界及專業人士,分享及討論社會熱話。