● The world is your oyster,意思是蠔殼雖然很難打開,但打開後就有收穫,甚至有意想不到的驚喜。 影片截圖

要形容一個人在某方面很成功,擁有各種優勢,各樣選擇,受人羨慕,很多時會用英文的慣用句The world is at his / her feet.(世界在他 / 她腳下),有贏盡全世界的意思。

She is rich and she has got connections. It seems that the world is at her feet.


The young player has won in different tournaments. With his talents, the world is at his feet.


除此以外,有另一句相似的,更有趣的用語 The world is someone's oyster. (世界是某人的牡犡 / 蠔),形容一個人有能力,有機會,可以做喜歡做的事,去喜歡去的地方,就像世界任他縱橫。

句中的oyster是海產生物牡蠣,即是蠔。蠔肉可供食用,間中亦會在打開蠔殼後發現珍珠。眾所周知,開蠔並不容易,要用刀子或其他尖銳堅硬的用具。這句用語源自英國文豪Shakespeare(莎士比亞)的喜劇《The Merry Wives of Windsor(溫莎的風流婦人)》其中的一句對白︰「Why then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open.」 (世界是我的牡犡,我將用劍把牠剝開。)

說The world is your oyster是打個比喻,說這個世界是你的,隨時都有機會,可以隨心做你想做的事,會有可能得到你想要的東西。

打開蠔殼可以很困難,但打開後,有好吃的蠔肉,得到收穫,也有機會碰上特別有價值的運氣︰珍珠。這過程有如人生,有各種際遇等待發掘,雖然困難重重,但充滿希望。很多時The world is one's oyster也會用來鼓勵年輕人努力地把握機會,探索未來。

You are young and you have many opportunities. The world is your oyster.


She is thinking of changing jobs and working in a bigger company. With her qualifications, the world is her oyster.


As fresh graduates, they haven't yet got any family or work commitments and that means the world is their oyster. They can do something more innovative.


上世紀八十年代,英國電視台有一套喜劇,主角開玩笑地把這句用語說成The world is your lobster. (世界是你的龍蝦),據說是諷刺世道艱難,路不好走。不過這句話應該還沒有成為正式的慣常用語。

The world is someone's oyster.這句子很簡單,但想深一層,有很多寓意,說的不單只是從心所欲,任意發揮,而是世界有很多的機遇,但不是毫無困難,唾手可得,必須培養充分能力和技能,盡力克服困難,才會有收穫,才可以發現意想不到的報酬。前幾天到大會堂觀看話劇,劇中提到從心所欲只不過是夢想,真實理想必然荊棘滿途,這也許就是用The world is your oyster鼓勵年輕人的內在意思。

●Lina CHU

