【社評雙語道】法官辦案無畏無懼 維護香港法治精神

◆ 2024法律年度開啟典禮。 資料圖片
◆ 2024法律年度開啟典禮。 資料圖片






  Judges administering justice without fear or favour to uphold the rule of law

  【譯文】Speaking at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2024 on 22 January, Chief Justice Andrew Cheung Kui-nung said the Judiciary attached great importance to its duty to safeguard national security and emphasised that judges would continue to administer justice fairly and efficiently, without fear or favour, self-interest or deceit, whatever might be said or written about our legal system. The Hong Kong Judiciary has withstood immense pressure of sanctions and threats from anti-China forces and has handled national security cases objectively and fairly in strict accordance with the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law, on the basis of facts and the law, and in accordance with the statutory procedures. This has demonstrated judicial justice and strengthened the confidence of all sectors in the rule of law in Hong Kong.

  Upholding the spirit of the rule of law and safeguarding the judicial system in Hong Kong is an essential aspect of the “One Country, Two Systems”. Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, social order in Hong Kong has been rapidly restored, and justice and the rule of law have been upheld, marking a significant turning point from chaos to order and from stability to prosperity. The Hong Kong Judiciary has handled national security cases objectively and impartially in accordance with provisions of the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law. Some landmark cases have become "ironclad" after trial and ruling by the courts, including the severe sentencing of Tong Ying Kit in the first case of national security and the dismissal of Jimmy Lai's challenge to Hong Kong's National Security Law. These rulings have clearly demonstrated the overriding authority of the Hong Kong National Security Law, effectively safeguarding the authority of the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law.

  Over the past few years, certain individuals with ulterior motives have wilfully discredited Hong Kong's National Security Law and Hong Kong's legal system, accusing the Judiciary of abusing its power under the National Security Law for "political trials". Politicians in the US and the West have openly threatened to impose sanctions on Designated National Security Law Judges, blatantly undermining Hong Kong's spirit of the rule of law and interfering with Hong Kong's judicial system, in a bid to influence judges and judicial officers in their impartial handling of cases.

  What is remarkable is that Hong Kong's judges and judicial officers have upheld their Judicial Oath, discharged their duties faithfully and conscientiously, and administered justice in strict accordance with the principles of the law. Last year and this year, Hong Kong maintained its high ranking in the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index, and this year, Hong Kong ranked 23rd out of 142 jurisdictions, three places higher than the United States, which ranked 26th. Chief Justice Andrew Cheung pointed out that judges must be able to decide cases and explain their decisions in judgments without interference or illegitimate pressure, which was of cardinal importance to judicial independence.

  Respect for the rule of law is a core value of the Hong Kong community, and the Hong Kong Judiciary and judicial system are highly regarded. In his speech on the same occasion, the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam Ting-kwok, emphasised that there was not even one iota of evidence that the Judiciary's independent judicial power had been compromised in cases involving national security, and that "we should be grateful to, and proud of, our Judges and Judicial Officers who have continued to do their jobs faithfully in accordance with the Judicial Oath, as is always the case." The Central Government, the HKSAR Government and all sectors of the Hong Kong Community firmly support that the judges and judicial officers discharge their duties independently and fairly without fear and in accordance with the law to safeguard national security, and will not be swayed in the slightest by threats and intimidation from external forces, so as to steadfastly and successfully implement "One Country, Two Systems"within the framework of the rule of law.

  ◆ 琬琰