【社評雙語道】野豬擾民勿輕視 堅決捕殺增巡查

● 香港的野豬問題愈來愈嚴重。圖為野豬在香港仔海濱公園「逛街」。 資料圖片
● 香港的野豬問題愈來愈嚴重。圖為野豬在香港仔海濱公園「逛街」。 資料圖片







  目前漁護署實施「滅豬行動」已捕捉約10頭野豬進行人道毀滅,但野豬擾民傷人個案仍在持續增加,對此漁護署「滅豬行動」要加大力度,更果斷、更堅決。另外政府正研究修訂法例,擴大野豬「禁餵區」範圍,相關立法須加快進度,同時政府要加強與各類基層組織的溝通合作,加強巡查、加大打擊違法餵飼野豬行為,切實保護市民,免受野豬滋擾傷害。 (摘錄自香港《文匯報》社評 2021-11-29)

  Decisive Measures Should be Taken to Hunt Down Wild Boars Causing Nuisance

  【譯文】There were reports of a wild boar intruding into a number of buildings and hotels in North Point and Tin Hau, and another one assaulting a delivery man in Tin Wan, Aberdeen. The injuries and nuisance caused by wild boars have developed into a serious issue in Hong Kong due to a lack of regulation on illegal feeding. The Government should not underestimate the harm and trouble caused by wild boars. It should work frequently with community-based grassroots organisations, conduct more patrols, and have the determination to capture and put down wild boars causing nuisance in the urban areas. It should not fear just because there are opposing views, and allow wild boars to continue to pose threats to the public.

  The number of injury cases caused by wild boars in Hong Kong has continued to rise. There have been 20 such cases this year - 7 last month alone. The problem has intensified largely due to the slack enforcement of laws that prohibit feeding of wild boars. As illegal feeding becomes increasingly common, wild boars are no longer afraid of humans, and have become bold enough to forage for food in urban areas. The recent spate of wild boar incidents has caused a great nuisance and trauma to the citizens in Hong Kong. The Government must not take the problem lightly but tackle it in a serious manner.

  The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) is responsible for the control of wild and stray animal nuisances. Currently, three major approaches are adopted by AFCD to tackle the wild boar problem. The first one is to manage the wild boar population by sterilisation; the second one is to hunt and kill wild boars, for instance, AFCD announced on 12 November 2021 that it would regularly capture  wild  boars in urban areas for humane dispatch; the third one is to step up publicity to educate the public not to feed wild boars. These measures are commonly adopted by countries around the world to cope with wild boar issues. As long as these measures are carried out well, it is believed that wild boar nuisance can be effectively controlled.

  Nevertheless, these measures have been met with repeated criticism in Hong Kong. For example, local animal concern groups and veterinary students have objected to the killing of wild boars by issuing a joint statement and petition. Given that wild boars reproduce quickly with no natural predator in Hong Kong, and that the effectiveness of controlling wild boar population by sterilisation is questionable internationally, whether the city should resume its boar sterilisation programme is an issue to be studied and monitored. The urgent task of AFCD now is to hunt down the wild boars causing nuisance and injuries in the urban areas with determination. The Government must not fear to take actions or give up on implementing its measures.

  The threat of the "feral swine bomb" has caused trouble to countries around the world. For example, the population of wild boars in the United States has currently reached about 6 million, causing the country to lose 1.5 billion US dollars per year. Wild boars have also been a recent public nuisance in different parts of Europe. To cope with the problem, countries have stepped up their catch-and-kill strategies. For instance, in 2019, 84,000 wild boars were caught and euthanised in the United States. Scientific studies have also shown that wild boars aren't gentle and non-destructive. Studies have pointed out that wild boars carry at least 30 types of virus and bacteria, and nearly 40 kinds of parasites, which are transmissible to humans, pets and wildlife animals. Wild boars also attack humans sometimes. A study conducted by the University of Hawaii System reveals that 672 species listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species, inhabiting in 54 countries, are threatened by the presence of wild boars. Therefore, if human beings do not take bold and decisive measures, the population of wild boars will continue to surge, and the problem of wild boar invasion in local communities and the damage to the ecology will intensify.

  Currently, 10 wild boars have been capture for human euthanasia in the operations of AFCD against the species. However, the number of reports on wild boar nuisance and attacks continues to rise. For this reason, AFCD needs to step up operations against wild boars and act more boldly and decisively. Moreover, while the Government considers amending relevant legislations to expand the feeding ban area, it should expedite the progress and strengthen its communication and cooperation with various grassroots organisations to step up patrols and efforts in combatting illegal feeding of wild boars, in order to effectively protect citizens from nuisance and harm caused by wild boars.●Kit Siu